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Defiance of The Abyss (DOTA)


Defiance of the Abyss is a 2D side on shooter with sci-fi and survival themes. The player pilots a mechanical suit and must traverse the dark oceans and caves of an alien planet, while fighting back an oncoming horde of deadly sea aliens.​

Key features:

  • It’s underwater, you have a mech suit, and there are sea aliens.

  • You kill sea aliens with lasers and drills.



Tools Used:

Cocos2D, Gimp 2, Photoshop


< 6 months

Team Size:



Artist/Game Designer

Gameplay Trailer

Detailed Info
This is a game that my team (Team DOTA) made for our 2nd year project in 2016. We made this game using Cocos2D. I was primarily responsible for the art design of the characters, world and animation.

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